Dance Gallery Studio
Dance Gallery Studio Location (AAATA Directions)
Dance Gallery Studio is located at 815 Wildt Street, off Summit, 1/4 block from Main Street near downtown Ann Arbor.
How to get to DGS by AAATA
From the Michigan Union: Take the Ride Number 6 to the Blake Transit Center. From BTC take the Ride 13 to the Summit and Brooks stop. Walk up Summit and make a right on to Wildt Street. Dance Gallery is on the left. Note: The last bus picks up at Summit at 6:45 p.m.
North Campus: Take the Southbound commuter to the Michigan Union. From the Union, Take the Ride Number 6 to the Blake Transit Center. From BTC take the Ride 13 to the Summit and Brooks stop. Walk up Summit and make a right on to Wildt Street. Dance Gallery is on the left. Note: The last bus picks up at Summit at 6:45 p.m.
Crisler Arena: Take the Northbound commuter to the Michigan Union. From the Union, Take the Ride Number 6 to the Blake Transit Center. From BTC take the Ride 13 to the Summit and Brooks stop. Walk up Summit and make a right on to Wildt Street. Dance Gallery is on the left. Note: The last bus picks up at Summit at 6:45 p.m. For more iformation visit the AATA website:
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